WebHelpForums.com - SEO Tools and Webmaster Forum

Learn all about SEO and webmaster forums and how to use them for networking and getting help


Looking for our SEO and webmaster Help Forums

You can find all the topics and boards on the new address: http://webhelpforums.net/

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WebHelpForums Name and Background

The original name was chosen to symbolize everyhing our customers and webmasters would expect from our support form:
  1. Web Help Forums
  2. Website Help Forums
  3. Webmaster Help Forums

To increase focus more on the social factor, i.e. "networking" and "community", we have moved the address from WebHelpForums.com to WebHelpForums.Net.

The forum will still:

Web Help Forums

Video: Webmaster Help and Webmaster Tools Forum

Watch on YouTube the video introduction for our webmaster forum that has existed since 2010:

Internet Marketing Forum - Webmaster Help Forums [Explained]

History of Webmaster Forums

Forums for webmasters and website owners have been around since the early days of the internet with some of the first ones appearing in the 1990s.

One of the earliest webmaster forums was called the "Webmaster World" forum, which was founded around 1998. It was popular among webmasters because it provided a place where they could share their experiences, knowledge and help with each other.

Some examples of other popluar webmaster forums include include DigitalPoint Forums and Warrior Forum. While some of the popluar forums are now gone, they became important for many webmasters since they provided a place where people could learn and stay up-to-date on new developments.

If you already visited our forum, here is a list of other top forums relevant to webmasters:

  1. Warrior Forum
  2. Digital Point Forums
  3. V7N Forums
  4. WickedFire Forums
  5. TrafficPlanet
  6. Webmaster World
  7. Webhostingtalk
  8. SitePoint

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